InnovaFonds Partenaire Croissance
InnovaFonds Partenaire Croissance

Committed and responsible investor

InnovaFonds is a responsible investor, committed to a sustainable approach with a long-term value creation goal.

InnovaFonds’ team is convinced of the need to accelerate business model transformation to face environmental and social challenges, in order to ensure economic development beyond sustainability.

Our mission is to provide concrete and full support to SMEs in order to strengthen their attractiveness and competitiveness : job creation and dynamism of territories, training and skills development programs, decarbonization, maintenance and promotion of biodiversity.

Our approach is based on 3 pillars :

Commitments to the leading institutions

Structured and committed carbon approach

Compliance with regulations

Commitments to leading institutions

  • Adhesion to PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment)
  • Score of 98/100 on the Private Equity module in 2021
  • Signing of the ESG, Gender Diversity and Commitment Charters on the sharing of the value of France Invest
  • Participation and involvement in working groups within the Sustainability Commission and the Industry Commission
  • Signing of the iCi (International Climate Initiative) and involvement in working groups on the principle of the concept of “climate issue materiality”
  • The iCi demonstrates the commitment of French private equity players in order to measure, manage and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of their portfolio companies
  • Integration and monitoring of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) within our portfolio
  • Four-person committee in charge of the ESG strategy and its implementation

Structured and committed carbon approach

By actively supporting French industrial companies, InnovaFonds works on decarbonization and dynamization of industrials sector: relocating jobs in France, favoring local-national-European subcontracting and improving production tools.

InnovaFonds’ team set up a systematic carbon approach in order to encourage energy transition:

Closing phase

  • Integration of a sustainable dimension with a carbon focus in due diligences, offers, investment memos and shareholders’ agreements
  • Measuring and understanding carbon footprint through a carbon assessment (Scope 1-2-3) ; and defining a specific plan of action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Investment phase

  • Analyze of companies’ carbon impacts and implementation of a plan of action previously defined («Closing phase»)
  • Awareness and training of teams on environmental issues
  • Additional environmental analyses (e.g., LCA, ACT, etc.)
  • Follow-up of the plan of action and extra-financial reporting in our

Closing phase

  • Final measure of extra-financial performance
  • Display of the actions taken in order to evaluate achievement of carbon footprint progress during the holding period

Compliance with regulations


The funds managed by InnovaFonds are classified as Article 8 according to the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation).

As a fund manager of Article 8 vehicles, InnovaFonds has defined three objectives that the investment team rigorously follows during the life of the investments within InnovaFonds’ portfolio.

Encouraging SMEs decarbonization

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduction of energy consumption
  • Use of renewable energy

Maintaining training and job creation

  • Implementation of talent management strategies and training policies
  • Recruitment initiatives in the territories

Sharing value creation

  • Implementation of profit-sharing policies
  • Integration and increase management stake of capital
  • Implementation of retrocession mechanisms


As part of the European Parliament Regulation (EU) 2020/852 («Taxonomy Regulation»), InnovaFonds is analyzing the eligibility of portfolio companies with the first two environmental objectives of the European Green Taxonomy : (1) Climate change mitigation and (2) Climate change adaptation.

The next steps will measure alignment with the six objectives : (3) Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, (4) Transition to a circular economy, (5) Pollution prevention and control, and (6) Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems.

These information will be included in next InnovaFonds’ Sustainability report.

Article 29

As a management company specialised in private equity and handling less than €500 million of assets, InnovaFonds makes available below its 29-LEC report, updated at the end of June 2023 according to the article 29 of the Climate Energy law (art 29 LEC) established conformably to the AMF’s General Regulation.
