InnovaFonds Partenaire Croissance
InnovaFonds Partenaire Croissance

Legal notices


InnovaFonds is an independent private equity management company under French Law (Société par Actions Simplifiées), registered under No. 08000034 by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers), the regulatory authority, with share capital of € 224,000
Business identification (SIRET): 503 327 736 00040
Intra-Community VAT: FR31503327736


In accordance with the AMF's legal and regulatory provisions, InnovaFonds has implemented a system that monitors and processes claims. The company commits to acknowledge receipt of the complaint within ten working days unless the reply is provided within that time-frame; moreover, the company also commits to reply within two months of receipt except under specific and duly justified circumstances.

Your contacts:

M. Anthony Dubut
19 avenue Victor Hugo - 75116 Paris
email :

Ms. Marielle COHEN-BRANCHE, AMF Mediator
17, place de la bourse, 75002 Paris

The AMF Mediation Charter is available for your review on its website in the "Médiateur" section.

Intellectual Property

The content of InnovaFonds' website, is copyrighted. For this reason, any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercialization, weather partial or in full, of the content is prohibited without prior written authorization of InnovaFonds.


The InnovaFonds website contains hypertext links to other websites.
InnovaFonds is not responsible for the availability or content of these external websites, and denies any responsibility in this regard.

Managing conflict of interest

In the execution of its transactions, InnovaFonds upholds the interest of its investment clients at all times. The private equity fund company takes all reasonable steps to identify and avoid as much as possible any situations that would present a conflict of interest. In the event of a proven conflict of interest, the investment company will propose a solution favoring its investment clients and put at their disposal detailed and complete information about the situation and its resolution.

Conception and design

Wake Me Up, Communication Agency
19 rue Froment - 75011 Paris, France

Website publication

Host: OVH - 140 Quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix, France :
Photo credits: Istock - GettyImages